Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter Riding

January 4, 2015

Anyone who lives in Utah knows that there are only about six months of actual good riding weather throughout the year. A lot of riders take issue with this and stick it out through maybe eight or nine months despite the cold. It wasn't until last year that I started battling the weather. Brad and I rode through November of 2013, and then I bought my Harley in January.

This year has been one of the first times I've dreaded a winter season for the sole reason of not being able to ride my motorcycle for a few months. A few months ago Aric was at my house and he mentioned he was going to buy heated gear and ride through the Winter season. I have thought about heated gear, but always been deterred by the price tag. For some reason after I heard Aric say that, the price tag didn't seem so bad. I'm always good at rationalizing things for myself, and in this case I figured paying $500 to ride four more months out of the year was well worth it.

Utah has had a relatively mild Winter so far. We still haven't been on any Winter trips, but our short rides around the valley have continued. In October a bunch of us took a ride through Provo Canyon and came back through Parley's.

In November we took a short ride to Saratoga Springs. This was Brad's last ride on his Vulcan. We stopped to get coffee and warm up before heading home.

Brad bought his Harley just a few days before Christmas. Temperatures were in the 30s, but it still hadn't snowed. We rode to the Timpanogos Harley Shop in Lindon and ate at their cafe.

It wasn't until a week ago that the temperatures dropped into the 10s and 20s. Yesterday I put all my gear on and went out for a ride in 19 degrees. First I went to the Harley shop on State in SLC, then to my girlfriend's house in South Jordan. The sun was setting when I rode home. The trip was only about 30 miles, but when I got home I decided those temperatures are too cold.

Today got above freezing so Brad, Keshia, and I went for another ride. First we rode to a Burger King in Layton where we had lunch and de-numbed ourselves. Then we rode to a Best Buy in Ogden where we did likewise. Finally, we turned around and headed home. Here are a couple from today.

The Winter Solstice was two weeks ago, and every day we gain a couple minutes of warmth. I foresee many winter rides to come.

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